Networking and Job Opportunities

Graduate or Post Doctoral Positions

Graduate student position available at Queen’s University, Canada

I am looking for a graduate student to work on a polymer colloids project sponsored by an industry partner. PhD students are preferred but strong Master’s students will also be considered. The research will focus on the stabilization of emulsion polymers using novel polymeric stabilizers, and will balance a strong fundamental research component with attention to practical applications.

Interested applicants should contact Prof. Michael Cunningham (

Exchange Opportunities

(Project descriptions from members and students who are seeking research exchange visits between universities)

Curriculum Vitae (for Employment)

(C.V.’s from graduating students/postdoctoral fellows from member’s research groups who are looking for academic/industrial positions)

Position Description
Contact Information

Curriculum Vitae (for Employment)

(C.V.’s from students currently in a member’s research group who is seeking a Ph.D. position or postdoctoral fellowship)

Position Description
Contact Information

If you would like to post your C.V. or advertise an academic or exchange position, please send the details to Ms. Jessica Bright.